We've been trying a new thing lately in our morning services with communion. Instead of having the elders go up and down the aisles to serve the wafers and cups to congregants seated in their pews, we have the congregants walk up to the front and get a piece of pita and dip it in a big goblet.
This second method is called "intinction" and has some basis in church tradition. Many in our midst find the method appealing, for it gets us out of the rut of doing something the same way over and over again, and forces us to step forward -- physically and symbolically -- to partake in the sacrement. Still others find the method a communal experience, transforming communion from a private and individual moment to a public and shared one. I myself have served and received communion both ways, and find the latter method more worshipful for all of these reasons.
Nonetheless, there have been some in our midst who haven't liked the new way. I must confess I jumped to the conclusion that they were resistant to change, and/or hung up on a particular tradition of man while neglecting the commandment of God.
In our leadership meeting, however, I found that many who had voiced their disapproval were struggling in their faith, and had previously found communion to be a stabilizing and consistent reminder from God. To switch things up was to add additional chaos to a life that already felt chaotic. If they couldn't count on communion being the same from month to month, why what could they count on to be the same?
I hope that we as a congregation can do communion in a way that is reverent, worshipful, and reflective of our great God and His great grace. I hope we as leaders will be attuned to the pastoral care we are responsible to provide to those in our flock who are struggling and who need to be reminded that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I hope we as Christians, no matter what method we take communion, will appreciate and savor the partaking of the body and the blood until He returns.
We've been trying a new thing lately in our morning services with communion. Instead of having the elders go up and down the aisles to serve the wafers and cups to congregants seated in their pews, we have the congregants walk up to the front and get a piece of pita and dip it in a big goblet.
This second method is called "intinction" and has some basis in church tradition. Many in our midst find the method appealing, for it gets us out of the rut of doing something the same way over and over again, and forces us to step forward -- physically and symbolically -- to partake in the sacrement. Still others find the method a communal experience, transforming communion from a private and individual moment to a public and shared one. I myself have served and received communion both ways, and find the latter method more worshipful for all of these reasons.
Nonetheless, there have been some in our midst who haven't liked the new way. I must confess I jumped to the conclusion that they were resistant to change, and/or hung up on a particular tradition of man while neglecting the commandment of God.
In our leadership meeting, however, I found that many who had voiced their disapproval were struggling in their faith, and had previously found communion to be a stabilizing and consistent reminder from God. To switch things up was to add additional chaos to a life that already felt chaotic. If they couldn't count on communion being the same from month to month, why what could they count on to be the same?
I hope that we as a congregation can do communion in a way that is reverent, worshipful, and reflective of our great God and His great grace. I hope we as leaders will be attuned to the pastoral care we are responsible to provide to those in our flock who are struggling and who need to be reminded that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I hope we as Christians, no matter what method we take communion, will appreciate and savor the partaking of the body and the blood until He returns.