In no particular order, here are the hidden perks of being a man, which I resolve not to take for granted and which I resolve to lobby on behalf of women to get as well:

1. My leagues aren't called "the Men's National Basketball Association" or the "Men's Professional Golf Association," they're simply NBA and PGA.

2. When I raise my voice or get picky about something, people usually compliment me for being assertive, rather than calling me a bitch.

3. I can sleep in public places (airport lobby, park bench, library) without being afraid that I'll be sexually assaulted.

4. I can participate in a meeting or express an opinion without people imposing on me the burden of my opinion representing the opinion of everyone in my gender.

5. In corporate settings, I don't have to first prove that I belong before people respect me.

6. I can dress sharp without anyone insinuating that I'm using looks or sex to get what I want.

7. I can accept compliments without strings, rather than being told that I'm "a good (whatever) . . . for a man."

8. I can get emotional without being looked down on for letting my hormones get the best of me.

9. I can go jogging outdoors without having to carry mace.

10. I can choose either to participate in or not participate in sexually suggestive joking, without feeling like an outsider.

11. No one ever thinks I didn't deserve the job (or promotion or contract) but that I got it because I'm a man.

12. I can have a private meeting with someone of the opposite sex without having to worry about making sure that I do not put myself in a situation where I might be physically overpowered by her.

13. If I'm a workaholic, hardly anyone looks down on me for neglecting my family.

14. When I hear about a sexual assault in the news, I'm not seized with fear that that could've been me.

15. I'm not subconsciously looked down on for not conforming to the impossible figures of people on TV.


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